22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD WA 6162

22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD, WA 6162 AUS
22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD, WA 6162 AUS
22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD, WA 6162 AUS
22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD, WA 6162 AUS
22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD, WA 6162 AUS
22 Strang Street, BEACONSFIELD, WA 6162 AUS



Some will see it as an old warehouse site.!!!

APPROVED BY COUNCIL ( September 2012)
On offer a parcel of land (3565m2) at 22 Strang St, Beaconsfield. This area which is now flanked on three sides by residential developments ,has now been rezoned by the Fremantle Council under its scheme 43 proposal. This will see the area transformed from its current light industrial usage to encourage a relatively high density and accommodate a range of zoning from multi-use commercial to residential, with its boundary to be recognised as South Fremantle.
This land holding at 22 Strang St is proposed to be rezoned Multi Use .The Fremantle Council has adopted an Incentive type approach to prescribing development standards.
Accordingly, R-AC3 medium to high density provisions are proposed as the maximum permissible density for the Strang Street Area. This would allow doubling of build to land ratio.
This would give potential for a 4 storey multi use building, with a floor area of over 7000m2 to be constructed on this 3565m2 site ( R160). with 50 plus, two to three bedroom apartment ranging in price from $450,000 to $550,000,with a commercial element on ground floor. Other developement options are possible.
The land owners are willing to discuss various purchasing options and will consider joint venture proposals.

If this is of interest to you then it would be my pleasure to meet and present the full Information Memorandum and have further discussions on possible developments for this site.

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